The President “Create a more efficient and clear student council system.”
Pear The Vice President
“Support and assist the president as needed assist with council activities and campaigns ensure effective team working within the council.”
PO A Secretary “Run everything smoothly”.
Phing Phing Social Media & Communications Coordinator “Making sure every students receive accurate and up to date news and information; Increase student council social media activity by posting more contents (approved by the teachers)”.
Guitar Social Media & Communications Coordinator “More communicate with everyone in school, Improve social media”.
A Treasurer “Look after and rechecks SCC work”.
Matty A Sports Coordinator
Influence the start of internal games. Influence the creation of new sport teams for the school. Replacing old and outdated equipments with new ones
Dear Event and activities Coordinator “Increase activities , Promote TikTok account and Instagram. “
Yok Event and activities Coordinator “Increase activities, make activities more interested for student”.
Sean Academic Coordinator “Make academic support from seniors accessible and worthwhile, and help students with their research and volunteer opportunities”.
Porsche Academic Coordinator “Make academic support more easier to access and have a clear schedule.”